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WiDS Nigeria

Empowering women in data science across Nigeria. Join our community to collaborate, learn, and inspire change in the field of data science.

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WiDS Nigeria: Empowering Women in Data Science.

WiDS Nigeria is independently organized by Khairat Ayinde and Damilola Yinusa to be part of the mission to increase participation of women in data science and to feature outstanding women doing outstanding work.

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We are your bridge to competence

    Discover and Get Inspired

    Learn from data science leaders from around the world talking about their work, their journeys, and lessons learned along the way.

    Coming up soon

    WiDS Global Datathon

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    Registration is Open

    WiDS Nigeria Annual Conference

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    Coming up soon

    WiDS Nigeria Workshop

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    Coming September

    WiDS Nigeria Mentorship Program

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    Coming up soon

    WiDS Nigeria Podcast

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    WiDS Nigeria Uplink

    Go to Uplink

    Empowering women in data science across Nigeria to innovate.

    Join the Data Revolution

    Embrace innovation, drive change, and shape the future by joining the data revolution. Join WiDS Nigeria today.

    Data Science

    WiDS Nigeria Data Science Program

    Data Analytics

    WiDS Nigeria Data Analytics Program

    Data Engineering

    WiDS Nigeria Data Engineering Program

    Support WiDS Nigeria: Donate Today!

    Your contribution helps fuel our mission of empowering women in data science across Nigeria. By donating to WiDS Nigeria, you directly support initiatives such as scholarships, workshops, and community events, enabling us to continue providing valuable resources and opportunities to aspiring data professionals.

    Yes, all WiDS Nigeria events and programs are completely free to attend. We believe in removing barriers to access and fostering inclusivity in the data science community.

    There are several ways to get involved with WiDS Nigeria. You can attend our events, participate in our programs and workshops, join our online community, or contribute as a volunteer or sponsor.

    WiDS Nigeria welcomes participation from individuals of all genders and backgrounds who are passionate about data science and analytics. Our events and programs are open to students, professionals, academics, and enthusiasts alike, with a focus on fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the community.

    WiDS Nigeria's mission

    Investing in the future.

    Our mission is to change the field of data science across the globe by elevating and empowering women to achieve 30% representation in education, innovation and leadership by 2030.

    The Urgency

    mitigate unconscious biases that can corrupt analytical and predictive models, resulting in decisions and designs that exacerbate inequalities, deepen divisions, and underserve populations

    ensure that critical issues for women, such as women’s healthcare and safety, are treated as a priority and accelerated

    ensure that economic justice & prosperity are accessible to all

    address talent shortage challenges in the workforce

    Are you looking for a job?

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